How To Grow Succulents Quickly And Easily.

Planting a succulent garden is a fun and easy activity, and I will share some ideas on how to start growing succulents in your own garden. As an avid gardener myself, I’m looking for some excuse to get out and do something in the garden. But time can sometimes be lacking. This activity is something that can be done quite quickly and with very little material. It is also easy enough for small children to participate in the fun!

Now my garden is small so I just have to think a little more compact than those that have a lot of space to play with. Succulents are a great way to add color, variety and a unique function to your garden or patio, even in the smallest spaces. Now let’s get started!

You need to get yourself a small pot with a good drainage hole in the bottom. Succulents do not like moist soil, so buy soil that is specially made for succulents or soil that will offer a lot of drainage.For a few dollars you can buy yourself a little juicy or if you know someone who grows succulents already, ask if they will give you a cut of theirs. Later, when your juices get bigger, you can make your own cuttings. This will be a good time saver and easy on the pocket book.Place the soil in the pot and leave an inch or so of the pot exposed at the top. Dig into the soil in your pot to make room for the new succulent or cut, then put the juice in the pot and cover the roots or base with the cut with soil. Be sure to leave an inch of the pot exposed at the top. Water and place in a sunny place.

That’s all! You have now started an attractive succulent garden. You can continue to grow succulents with this process with more small pots or move to larger pots and plant several succulents together. Succulents retain water, so be careful not to overwater. Let the soil dry before watering again and you will have a wonderful addition to your garden or patio for many years to come.


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