
Strange ancient horse fossil with intact fetus

The fossil of a pregnant horse has just been discovered by paleontologists at the Messel Pit, a former coal mine in Darmstadt, Germany.

The fossil of a pregnant horse has just been discovered by paleontologists at the Messel Pit, a former coal mine in Darmstadt, Germany. According to scientists, the fossil record is 47 million years old.

Woolly rhinoceros - Wikipedia

From this discovery, scientists have gathered a lot of information about the ancient horse – scientifically known as Eurohippus messelensism with 4 toes on each forefoot and 3 toes on each hind foot. Despite the large differences in size and shape, the reproductive process of ancient horses was very similar to that of modern horses.

Stunning fossil shows pregnant mare and fetus | Science | AAAS

“Most of the bones of the equine fetus are still in their original position, only the skull is broken,” said Dr Jens Lorenz Franzen of the Senckenberg Institute, lead author of the study.X-ray analysis of the specimen showed that the ancient horse possessed a wide ligament structure, connecting the uterus to the spine, helping to support the developing young in the womb.

Gallery of Fossil Horses – Fossil Horses

The size, and the fully developed baby teeth indicate that the fetus is fully developed to be able to be born.The fossils are in very good condition, thanks to the oil shale at Grube Messel, which is known for its intricate fossil record.

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The oil shale layer formed at the bottom of Lake Messel, protecting the remains of mammals, birds and other animals that once lived near the area of ​​Darmstadt, Germany 47 million years ago.



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