
Found fossil of duckbill dinosaur with skin on

Scientists have discovered a fossil of a duck-billed dinosaur with traces of skin and soft tissue in Alberta, Canada, according to Live Science.

Besides, the skeleton of the specimen is also almost complete, Live Science reported on September 6. Associate professor of ecology Brian J. Pickles at the University of Reading (UK) said he was “absolutely surprised” when he saw this fossil while exploring with students.

Leonardo - Great Plains Dinosaur Museum and Field Station

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” Mr Pickles told Live Science.

Knee bones of fossils with traces of skin. Photo: Brian Pickles/Live Science.

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Knee bones of fossils with traces of skin. Photo: Brian Pickles/Live Science.

The dinosaur fossils mentioned above are about 4 meters long, dating from about 76 million years ago, when the Earth was going through the Cretaceous period. The area where scientists found the specimen is considered to be the place where many dinosaur fossils are concentrated. Some 400-500 skeletons or skulls have been found here, CBC/Radio-Canada said.

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Professor Pickles said that by being covered with sandstone and mud, this fossil has been well preserved.

“I think the specimen was covered pretty early. Otherwise, it cannot be preserved so well,” the expert explained. “You can see the vertebrae and tendons. When you get closer, you can see the whole scale. This dark, scaly skin has a basketball-like texture. This is something very special: You rarely see something like that.”

Dinosuars: Scientists may have discovered a rare complete dino fossil - BBC Newsround

An adult dinosaur could be twice the size of this specimen. Therefore, the scientists think that the specimen may be still maturing.

“Mature dinosaur fossils are rarely found, as dinosaurs usually grew quite quickly. We often see mature fossils,” Mr. Pickles said.



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