
Two extinct creatures appeared intact after 400 million years

e two legendary names Excalibur and Shuriken have been given by paleontologists to two creatures from the “lost world” before the Devonian period of the Earth.

According to Live Science, those are two strange worms with extremely thick iron armor-like outer shells, including many stacked arrays of calcite crystals, running along the whole body.

Những sinh vật tuyệt chủng bất ngờ "sống dậy từ cõi chết" - Báo Người lao  động

This is an extremely important discovery that opens the window into the Devonian, an era in which the Earth possessed incredible biodiversity, but 75% of species were wiped out after the 365 million mass extinction. last year.

Two extinct creatures appeared intact after 400 million years - Photo 1.

Ancient creature with strange iron armor – Photo: Papers in Palaeontology

According to an article published in the journal Papers in Palaeontology, it was this strange armor that gave scientists the idea of ​​​​two unique names. Excalibur is the name of the legendary sword of King Arthur, mentioned by ancient English legends; while Shuriken is the name of a kind of star-shaped hidden weapon of ancient Japanese ninjas.

Nóng: Hai sinh vật tuyệt chủng bỗng dưng... 'sống lại' sau 400 triệu năm -  Báo Kiến Thức

The real names of these two species of worm are Lepidocoleus caliburnus and Lepidocoleus shurikenus.

They have developed strange iron armor to be able to survive on coral reefs in shallow waters that are difficult to be hunted by predators. But unfortunately this armor did not help them escape the great extinction. Using the micro-CT technique, the scientists looked inside the bodies of two fossils without damaging them, according to Dr. Sarah Jacquer from the University of Missouri (USA).

Hóa thạch – Wikipedia tiếng Việt

It is very valuable to find heteromorphic creatures hundreds of millions of years old, preserved intact through such mass extinctions, because it helps scientists add valuable data to the evolutionary map of the Earth. Soil and better understand biodiversity over time. Many of the creatures of the Devonian period looked like the aliens in the movies.



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