
Confused to see the ancient “beast” unfinished transformation

Scientists were really confused when they saw the caveman beast transform.

Exploration of ancient fossil remains seems to yield solid evidence of new species that formed in the period after the Ice Age.

A fossil that palaeontologists call “overwhelming evidence” has revealed the mystery of the controversial “beast” Archaeopteryx for 159 years.

The feather is almost intact, although DNA identification is quite difficult, but scientists have successfully recreated the image of the legendary “beast” Archeopteryx – a dinosaur that confused the scientific world.

They found melanosomes, tiny pigmented structures in the feathers. This finding shows that the animal is actually matte black all over, with 90% accuracy.

This “beast” lived in the Jurassic period, with the appearance of a beautiful blue-black bird rather than a dinosaur.

Online community - Confused to see the caveman 'beast' unfinished transformation

Associate Professor Ryan Carney, lead author of the study, revealed that this intact fossil feather had been found long before that, sparking a 159-long debate whether the feather belonged to Archeopteryx or not. , and specifically what this mysterious creature looked like when it existed.

His and his colleagues’ study applied new techniques in fossil analysis and identified two specimens – bones and feathers – of the same species.

Tổ tiên của loài chim chính là khủng long, bạn có tin không? - Ảnh 1.

New evidence has confirmed the controversial “beast” was indeed a transitional creature between dinosaurs and birds, and possibly the first reptile to develop fully feathered feathers.

When Amy Balanoff, a paleontologist at Stony Brook University, New York, USA, began to study the evolution of the dinosaur brain.

In this study Ms. Balanoff built the brains of Archeopteryx and its close relatives, such as deinonychosaurs.

When she analyzed the data, she discovered that brain size increased as these dinosaurs became more and more like birds. However, she was also surprised to find that larger brains and plumage are not unique to modern birds, some of their ancestors also have these features.

Online community - Confused to witness the unfinished caveman 'beast' (Figure 2).

For example, the Archeopteryx, a bird’s ancestor, had a smaller brain than some distantly related dinosaurs such as the deinonychosaurs.

Previously, there were studies that suspected that the Ptetosaurs were the transitional species between dinosaurs and birds, but a new British study has disproved that hypothesis when proving that Ptetosaurs were perfect. Totally hairless!



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