
Fans convinced Erling Haaland is ‘trying to be Cristiano Ronaldo’ as they spot unusual habit before Real Madrid clash

FOOTBALL fans have been left in hysterics after noticing a similarity between Erling Haaland and Cristiano Ronaldo’s pre-match habits.

The Norwegian striker, 22, posed for a picture alongside his team-mates ahead of their Champions League semi-final clash with Real Madrid.

Fans spotted Haaland standing on his tiptoes
Fans have previously pointed out that Ronaldo has done it throughout his career

And when the image was released, some eagle-eyed fans were quick to point out that Haaland was following in Ronaldo’s footsteps in more ways than one.

Cristiano Ronaldo has been repeatedly caught standing on his tiptoes in group photos. Haaland was also pictured trying to grab a couple of extra inches standing next to Ederson.

This habit of standing on their toes is rather unusual given that both players are over six foot.

A fan pointing it out on Instagram made the comment: “You’re already the tallest in the team”.

One fan replied: “Bros trying to be like his idol Cristiano”.

Another added: “He is copying Ronaldo in every single thing”.

A third noted: “This is clearly CR7’s influence”.

Others took to Twitter to make the comparisons.

Ronaldo has repeatedly been accused of standing on his toes to try to give himself maximum height advantage. The ex-Real Madrid superstar has been called out for doing it throughout his career.

Some fans have not been completely critical of it, with one arguing “in football, this is a sign of readiness for the task ahead”.

It is not a secret that Haaland has great admiration for the five-time Ballon d’Or winner, he is even his favorite player. So perhaps it is a case of unconscious mirroring.

In any case, Haaland will be trying to emulate Ronaldo’s performances in European finals, as City have reached the final of Champions League, where they will play Inter Milan on June 10.

Source: thesun

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