
Ostrich Eggs Discovered in Southern Israel’s Negev Desert Dated to More Than 4,000 Years

Conny Waters – – Eight over-4,000-year-old, ostrich eggs were uncovered near an ancient fire pit in the Nitzana sand dunes in the Negev, in the south of Israel.

This rare find, preliminarily dated between 4,000 and 7,500 years ago, was discovered in an Israel Antiquities Authority archaeological excavation in the agricultural fields of Be’er Milka.

Ancient ostrich eggs found in southern Israeli desert | ABS-CBN News

The excavation was carried out by the Israel Antiquities Authority, initiated by the Jewish National Fund and the Ramat Negev Regional Council plans to prepare new agricultural land for Be’er Milka.

“We found a campsite, which extends over about 200 sq. m, that was used by the desert nomads since prehistoric times,” says Lauren Davis, the Israel Antiquities Authority excavation director.

Ancient ostrich eggs found in southern Israeli desert

“At the site, we found burnt stones, flint, and stone tools as well as pottery sherds, but the truly special find is this collection of ostrich eggs. Although the nomads did not build permanent structures at the site, the finds allow us to feel their presence in the desert.

These campsites were quickly covered over by the dunes and were re-exposed by the sand movement over hundreds and thousands of years. This fact explains the exceptional preservation of the eggs, allowing us a glimpse into the lives of the nomads who roamed the desert in ancient times.”

Ostriches were common in the area from the early prehistoric periods until they became extinct in the wild during the 19th century. Their eggs have been found in archaeological sites for several periods, reflecting the importance of ostrich eggs as a raw material.

Breakfast Dig: Archaeologists Find 4,000-Year-Old Ostrich Eggs in Israel's  Negev Desert | CBN News

“We find ostrich eggs in archaeological sites in funerary contexts, and as luxury items and water-canteens. Naturally, they were used as a source of food: one ostrich egg has the nutritional value of about 25 normal chicken eggs!” says Dr. Amir Gorzalczany from the Israel Antiquities Authority, who has researched the subject.

“There is sometimes even evidence of decorating and incising on ostrich eggs, showing their use as decorative items. It is interesting, that whilst ostrich eggs are not uncommon in excavations, the bones of the large bird are not found. This may indicate that in the ancient world, people avoided tackling the ostrich and were content with collecting its eggs.

Ostrich eggs up to 7,500 years old found next to ancient fire pit in Israel  | CNN

According to Davis, the proximity of the group of eggs to the fire pit suggests that they were not a random discovery, but rather were intentionally collected. She also noted that further examination in the lab will provide more information about the eggs’ age and usage.

Davis is excited for the post-excavation research and the potential insights that the whole eggs can provide and considers every eggshell to be valuable. She looks forward to the lab research, as the best is yet to come.

Eli Escuzido, Director of the Israel Antiquities Authority: “The collection of ostrich eggs from Be’er Milka is a rare and fascinating find. It seems that the eggs survived as they were covered over by the sand dunes for so long, and due to the relatively dry climate of the area.

The finds will go directly from the excavation to the new analytical laboratory in the Jay and Jeanie Schottenstein National Campus for the Archaeology of Israel, where they will undergo further observation and research.”


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