
A UFO enthusiast captured a mysterious UFO that was five times the size of Earth on camera

Numerous extraterrestrial alien drones are reportedly orbiting our globe, gathering information and researching our culture.

Because of their huge size, which is similar to that of planets in the Solar System, the races or beings that created and manufactured them should have technology that is far more advanced than our own.

Many scientists, experts, and even skeptics refuse to classify them as creations of mankind due to their size, believing that humans could never create such technical wonders.

What makes these items even more remarkable is that they don’t resemble any normal Euclidean form; instead, they are incredibly complex mathematical forms.

More recently, a giant rocket-like object abruptly launches out into space at an angle that, as previously said, does not fix with any known dimensions or forms ever known. The item was evidently fixed near the Sun’s orbit at the time.

The asteroid was roughly four times the diameter of our globe, as if that weren’t shocking enough. Most ufologists are still perplexed about how to explain these events.

Because we haven’t developed connections with people who currently inhabit our planet, let alone these enormous, god-like entities whose mere prospective existence is nearly inconceivable to us, contact with this sort of entity is, of course, unfathomable.



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