
Found a dinosaur-like mummy that went extinct 65 million years ago, still intact

Scientists in India are still analyzing to clarify whether the body of this found creature is a dinosaur or belongs to another animal.

Recently, an electrician while cleaning an abandoned subway station in Jaspur (a small city in the state of Uttarakhand, India) was alarmed when he discovered a strange creature preserved there. This creature looks a lot like a small dinosaur. It is worth noting that it was found in a fairly intact state with flesh and skin sticking to the bones.

Found a carcass of what is believed to be a dinosaur in India.

Found a carcass of what is believed to be a dinosaur in India.

Scientists were extremely confused when they came across this case. They immediately sent the specimen to experts for analysis, including dating and its age using carbon isotopes.

” It looks a lot like a dinosaur. However, we can’t make any confirmation until we have done all the necessary checks.” – Dr. Parag Madhukar Dhakate, conservationist from the Forest Service of India.

At first glance, this carcass seems to belong to a flightless dinosaur . However, this species became extinct 65 million years ago. The fact that it can exist with its flesh intact like above seems unthinkable. Over tens of millions of years, how does an ancient creature look so whole as if it had only been a few hundred years of mummification?

Specimens were immediately taken to research laboratories for re-identification.

Specimens were immediately taken to research laboratories for re-identification.

Aaryan Kumar, a PhD student in archeology at the University of Delhi, says it is impossible to preserve intact for such a long time: “The flightless dinosaur went extinct 65 million years ago. shaped like theropods – a group of dinosaurs that included two-legged carnivores. ”

” After tens of millions of years, but this body was found in an intact state without being fossilized. It is also possible that this body had been in a museum before and was treated with chemicals. . However, how could it drift all the way to the abandoned subway station? ” Triceratops Dinosaur Facts and Information - All About The  Ceratopsidian Dinosaurs of the Cretaceous

Dinosaur Deinonychus, Coelophysis and Dromaeosaurus are species with body size and shape similar to the found mummies. They are about 28cm long and are all theropod dinosaurs.

According to Dr. Dhakate, the specimen was sent to Dr. Bahadur Kotlia, a paleontologist at Kumaun University for historical analysis. Based on chronological absurdities, the initial argument suggested that this was most likely a goat embryo with genetic malformation.

Found a dinosaur-like mummy that went extinct 65 million years ago, still intact

Dinosaurs once ruled the Earth tens of millions of years ago. Theories surrounding the survival and extinction of this species are still controversial. However, the most valid argument still holds that the dinosaurs disappeared because a  giant meteorite collided with our planet causing the mass extinction . And this extinction is the reason that helps other mammals thrive, leading to the appearance of humans.



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