
Male Lion Catches and Drags Entire Buffalo

A huge male lion drags an entire buffalo all by himself after an epic battle with the herd. He then eats it on the other side of the riverbed.

Louis Strauss, a guide at Jock Safari Lodge in the Kruger National Park, was witness to this incredible display of power and strength. Louis shared this sighting with

“We were following a male lion close to the Biyamiti river when he stumbled upon a herd of 100 buffalo. We could see his predatory instincts kick in as soon as they emerged. He crouched down and began stalking the unsuspecting herd.”

“With a burst of speed, the lion ran into the midst of the herd. He was able to latch onto one of the herd members, and the two of them went tumbling down the river embankment.”

“The rest of the buffalo herd immediately turned on the lion, trying to chase him away from their fallen comrade. But the lion was not deterred, and he returned to the buffalo to finish the job. I have seen many incredible things in my time in the bush, but this was truly a sight to behold.”


Lions are incredibly strong animals, with powerful jaws and massive muscles that allow them to take down prey much larger than themselves. They are also able to drag carcasses long distances. This is an important adaptation for lions, as it allows them to keep their kills safe from scavengers.

Male lion drags entire buffalo alone!

“In the end, the lion was able to single-handedly drag the buffalo carcass across the entire riverbed. He then proceeded to feed on his hard-earned meal in the shade of some nearby bushes.”

“As a guide, I am privileged to witness these incredible events on a regular basis. It is a reminder of the importance of conservation and of our responsibility to protect these magnificent creatures and their habitats for future generations to enjoy.”

Male lion drags entire buffalo

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