
The terrifying truth in the island called “one go and never return”: Many people mysteriously disappeared

Located in Central Asia, the island of Barsa-Kelmes is often shrouded in a thick layer of fog. Many people set foot on this island and then mysteriously disappeared. Accordingly, this place is nicknamed “one go and not return”.

Barsa-Kelmes is now an abandoned island located in Central Asia. The island has an area of 133 square kilometers.

This place is nicknamed “one go and never return” due to mysterious disappearances.

Specifically, in the Kazakh language, the name of the island of Barsa-Kelmes means “one gone without return”. The meaning of this name seems to be true of the inexplicable mysteries happening on the island of Barsa-Kelmes.

The island of Barsa-Kelmes is often shrouded in a thick layer of fog. According to some stories handed down from generation to generation by the people of the area, the land was once inhabited by a number of anomalous creatures, seemingly from another world.

Because some witnesses have said that they have seen giant birds flying in the sky or large sea snakes swimming around the island.

These mysterious creatures appear mysteriously before disappearing. One view is that they come from another world because they don’t exist or appear anywhere else.

Things became even more mysterious when some people set foot on the island of Barsa-Kelmes and disappeared without leaving any trace. Those who were lucky to return said that, when they got to the island, many devices did not work as compasses. More mysteriously, they feel that time in this mysterious land is extremely “strange” when sometimes it goes very slowly but sometimes it goes very fast.

In 1959, winter was extremely harsh. The Kazakh natives who live near the island think that Barsa-Kelmes may have a huge fish stock. Therefore, many people come to the island to catch fish despite the warnings of the village elders.

When spring came, those who went to the island of Barsa-Kelmes did not return. So the villagers organized a search but did not find anyone. They then asked the authorities to find the victims.

At that time, the Soviet government joined the search for those who “evaporated” when they reached the island of Barsa-Kelmes. They even sent helicopters to search the nearby waters. However, this helicopter lost signal and mysteriously disappeared in the thick fog while searching for victims.

Despite efforts by authorities to search, they could not find any traces that would help identify the victims. Accordingly, people gradually did not dare to live on the island of Barsa-Kelmes or come near this place.


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