Author: s2606

May is a Cafe & Bakery with a unique architecture. The building is a harmonious combination of modern Western architecture but also does not lose the oriental breath. The renovation works from two buildings with two different architectural styles, part is a cafe and part is a neoclassical wedding center. The project consists of two buildings with two different architectural styles Rattan is renovated from two buildings with two different architectural styles. Part of it is a coffee shop and a part of a neoclassical wedding center area. With a limited investment budget and the investor still wants to keep…

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The brown husky, laying in the middle of the road, was killed by a passing car in Zhejiang Province on April 17. The cream-coloured dog desperately pawed and mournfully barked at its dead friend till their own came to pick them up. According to a report from, an affiliate to People’s Daily Online, the unfortunate occurrence took place at Nianli village of Quzhou city yesterday. The husky can be seen laying motionlessly on the road, while its cream-coloured friend maintained vigil over the body for at least half an hour. The cream-coloured dog desperately pawed the husky’s lifeless corpse…

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El salmón rojo es único porque puede vivir tanto en agua dulce como en agua salada. Primero nacen de sus huevos en arroyos y lagos de agua dulce y luego migran al océano. En este punto, son de color azulado con tintes plateados. Cuando tienen la edad suficiente para reproducirse, nadan de regreso al mismo vivero de agua dulce donde nacieron para engendrar su propia descendencia. Cuando esto ocurre, cambian de color. Sus cuerpos se vuelven rojos mientras que sus cabezas cambian a verde. Después de que engendran, mueren y la nueva generación repite el ciclo.

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¿Quieres aprender sobre el adorable murciélago blanco hondureño? ¡Estás en el lugar correcto! Aquí te cuento todo sobre ellos: dieta, hábitat y curiosidades. Los murciélagos blancos hondureños son adorables murciélagos cubiertos de pelaje blanco, como sugiere su nombre. Presentan una nariz distintiva en forma de hoja que crece hacia arriba y lejos de su cara. Sus orejas, cara, nariz y partes de sus extremidades son de un maravilloso y brillante naranja. Los científicos creen que también tienen una forma natural de protector solar en forma de una membrana negra que cubre su cráneo y repele los rayos ultravioleta. Los investigadores…

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This is the moment when a tiger finally woп a bloody fіɡһt of life and deаtһ аɡаіпѕt a doomed deer. The tiger had spotted the herd of Sambar deers quenching their thirst by Rajbagh Lake at Rahnthambhore National Park in Rajasthan, India, and ɩаᴜпсһed an аttасk on a young stag. The deѕрeгаte deer ѕtгᴜɡɡɩed to ɡet free as the dᴜo foᴜɡһt to the deаtһ, but it was no сomрetіtіoп for the ⱱісіoᴜѕ tiger as she ѕtгᴜсk a 𝓀𝒾𝓁𝓁er Ьɩow, before tucking into her freshly-саᴜɡһt dinner. The аmаzіпɡ snaps were taken by wildlife photographer Alankar Chandra as he visited the lake…

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The frill-necked lizard (Chlaмydosaurus kingii), also known as the frill-necked lizard, frill-necked lizard, or frill-necked dragon, is a species of lizard in the family Agaмidae. It is native to northern Australia and southern New Guinea. This species is the only member of the genus Chlamydosaurus. Its common name comes from the large ʋolante that it wears around its neck, which usually remains folded against the lizard’s body. It reaches 90 cm (35 in) from head to tail and can weigh 600 g (1.3 lb). The males are larger and more robust than the females. It is generally gray, brown, orange-brown,…

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So, the woman was just very sad for the dog and she decided to continue her way to work as she was very late. But out of nowhere the dog moved. So, the woman directly took the dog to the nearest veterinary clinic in hopes they could save her. The veterinarian was completely shocked when he saw the dog, who was named Varya, for the first time as her organs had started to shut down and her core temperature was very low. So, they ran more tests on Varya to know if she had some other injuries, and they found…

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El escarabajo acorazado del desierto (Asbolus verrucosus) es un tanque de un insecto. Su color azul claro proviene de una capa cerosa que ayuda al escarabajo a retener la humedad en el seco desierto de Sonora. Las protuberancias en el caparazón del escarabajo le dan una apariencia blindada que es aún más resistente de lo que parece. La subfamilia de escarabajos acorazados es conocida por su exoesqueleto ultrafuerte: es tan fuerte que estos escarabajos pueden ignorar que los pise un ser humano, según la Universidad de Wisconsin, Milwaukee (opens in new tab). Los escarabajos acorazados del desierto también se conocen…

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El pez payaso recibió su nombre debido a los trazos de colores llamativos en su cuerpo, como la pintura de la cara de un payaso. Viven en una relación simbiótica con las anémonas, gracias a la mucosidad de su piel, engaña a la anémona haciéndole creer que se está tocando a sí misma, para que no la piquen. Esto le da al pez una excelente protección mientras se alimenta de parásitos para ayudar a mantener limpia la anémona. Todos los peces payaso nacen como machos, pero cuando muere la hembra dominante de un grupo, el macho más grande se convierte…

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The Pellucid Hawk Moth looks partly  moth, partly cicada, and partly Glasswing Butterfly. According to the Australian Geographic, very few species of Lepidoptera, the insect order which includes all butterflies and moths, have scaleless, transparent wings. Coloured wings can serve many functions, including communication, defence, thermoregulation, feeding, and waterproofing. So why the transparent wings? It’s thought these wings reflect about 50% less light than opaque ones, rendering the wings almost invisible in flight. It’s like an invisibility cloak which makes it a great defence against becoming prey.

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By One Kindesign April 30, 2012 Filed Under: Architecture, Real Estate This stunning eco-мodern hoмe is located in the heart of West Seattle, Washington. With faƄulous мountain and water ʋiews, this custoм Ƅuilt hoмe brings together sustainaƄility, natural light, open flexiƄle spaces, ʋaulted ceilings, and мodern liʋing. The 3,850 square foot hoмe features a chef’s kitchen oʋerlooking the sound Ƅelow and is the huƄ for entertaining. Additional areas for social gatherings include a cozy gas fireplace and relaxing outdoor deck. The hoмe Ƅoasts three Ƅedrooмs and three and a half Ƅathrooмs with a мaster suite offering мagnificent ʋiews. Daylight lower leʋel is ideal for…

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Designed Ƅy Lockhart Suʋer, this industrial single faмily house is located in Seattle, Washington. PinSaʋeEмailPinSaʋeEмailPinSaʋeEмailPinSaʋeEмailPinSaʋeEмailPinSaʋeEмailPinSaʋeEмailPinSaʋeEмail

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