Author: Nacy

When we last wrote about Madeline Stuart, the 18-year-old Australian model with Down syndrome, she had just landed her first major modeling contract. Now, this talented young lady has announced that she’s going to walk in the New York Fashion Week with MODA in association with the Christopher Reeve Foundation this fall. Stuart will be the second model with Down syndrome, after Jamie Brewer, to participate in the event. “I would just like people to accept, love, and show kindness,” Madeline’s mother Rosanne told Cosmo, when asked what she wanted people to take away from her daughter’s work. “The modeling is fun…

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Connie-Rose Seabourne, a 23-month-old little girl in the UK with Down syndrome, has always received comments from her mother Julie’s friends for her beautiful smile. After they told her that she should try contacting a modeling agency, she did. Now, Connie has two contracts and is becoming a popular toddler model! “When I spoke to the agencies about her Down’s syndrome diagnosis, no one even batted an eyelid,” Julie told Dailymail. “She absolutely loved it. She follows direction very well and she has so much fun in front of the cameras.” Connie was born two months premature to parents Julie and Peter and…

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In a post on the website Love What Matters, Australian Hailey Brown recalled the challenges she faced when she received the news that two of her three children were albinos. Check out the testimony of this mother, who shares a bit of her daily life with her three children on the profile @snowwhite_sisters on Instagram. A 17-year-old couple in North Queensland, Australia, embarked on the road to parenthood at a young age. And it marked the beginning of an emotional journey that ultimately led her and her husband to become advocates for their own children and for other children with…

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In a post on the website Love What Matters, Australian Hailey Brown recalled the challenges she faced when she received the news that two of her three children were albinos. Check out the testimony of this mother, who shares a bit of her daily life with her three children on the profile @snowwhite_sisters on Instagram. A 17-year-old couple in North Queensland, Australia, embarked on the road to parenthood at a young age. And it marked the beginning of an emotional journey that ultimately led her and her husband to become advocates for their own children and for other children with…

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My name is Katya. I live in Moscow with my husband and our adorable daughter Lisa who has Down syndrome. We adopted her a couple of years ago. She is very sweet and cute, and we love her very much. As a creative soul, I love to design and sew costumes and flower crowns for my baby girl. Many costumes you see here were handmade by me. As a photographer, I love to create photo stories that show how adorable and loving kids with Down syndrome are, especially my Lisa. A post submitted by Katya’s friend Polina. More info: Instagram #1…

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Eight-month-old Eliza and fourteen-month-old Jorja kindly agreed to pose for this adorable photoshoot to raise awareness about Down’s Syndrome as well as funds for the Down’s Syndrome Association. The project was organized by midwives in Leicestershire who also partook in the bare-all photoshoot. The aim was to show that there’s nothing to hide about Down’s Syndrome, and as you can see, they took that mission very seriously! Down’s Syndrome is caused by the presence of an extra chromosome. Most people have 46 but a baby with Down’s Syndrome has 47, and this can affect the way their body develops. The…

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When Megan Nash was sending photos of son Asher, who has Down Syndrom, to a local model agency, she was told by the owner of the agency that her son’s photos were not submitted to the company because it “didn’t specify special needs.” That’s when Nash knew she had to do something. She and her son set off on a mission to change the advertising world by making it more inclusive. “My first thought was how in the world does she know they don’t want a child with a disability if they haven’t even seen his picture?” Nash told HuffPost.…

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Giving birth to a child is probably the most memorable event in the life of any parent. For each new mom, her kids are truly special, but for our today’s featured heroine they were even more so. Before giving birth to her twins, Savannah Combs didn’t even realize how unique her kids would be. And now she wants to inspire people around the world to love and embrace every special feature that people might have. The arrival of the twins became a challenge for their mom at the very start. © Savannah Combs / Facebook© Savannah Combs / Facebook© Savannah Combs / Facebook Twins Mckenli and Kennadi Ackerman were both born with Down syndrome. Their mom, Savannah Combs, welcomed them…

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In recent years, the number of surrogacies has significantly increased. Many people think that this is linked to our tendency to have children later in life, once some mothers can’t carry a pregnancy to term anymore. According to experts, even back in 2012, this industry was worth $6 billion. However, this number is not precise because many of these cases haven’t been processed legally. At Bright Side, we wanted to find out why women become surrogate mothers and what happens to a newborn if the biological parents abandon it. What happens if a child is born handicapped? The peculiarities of the physical development of a fetus should be stipulated in a contract. Usually, the clients have to pay the full amount even if a child is born with a medical condition. This happens when…

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El Ministerio de Turismo y Antigüedades de Egipto ha anunciado el descubrimiento de una colección distintiva de cientos de tumbas antiguas. Las 250 tumbas excavadas en la roca se encontraron en varios niveles de la cara de una montaña en la necrópolis de Al-Hamidiyah cerca de Sohag, en el sur de Egipto, en la Ribera Occidental del río Nilo. Esto eleva el total a más de 300 tumbas descubiertas en el área, que está ubicada cerca de las antiguas ciudades de Asuán y Abido. Este es el último de una serie de nuevos e importantes descubrimientos arqueológicos egipcios. Poniendo este último descubrimiento…

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Taylor Moberg was swooning when her favorite country star, Cole Swindell, invited her up on stage at his concert in Spokane, WA. And we’re all swooning over her contagious enthusiasm and the pure joy she radiates listening to her favorite singer in concert. Courtesy of Myk Crawford Photography Taylor’s mom, Leslie Moberg, says Taylor has always loved music and dancing, ever since she was a little girl. But country music quickly became her favorite type. “When a song would come on the radio, she could tell me who sang the song and always knew most, if not all, of the…

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Aspecto de la momia preservada por el permafrost vestida para su debut el 21 de diciembre, a pesar de los llamados a un entierro solemne de los pueblos nativos. La ‘princesa de hielo’ estará vestida con una cubierta estilizada hecha para parecerse a su abrigo de piel de marmota de la vida real, discretamente envuelta sobre la momia, quien según los expertos era un miembro de élite de su cultura aciet. Foto: Alexader Tyryshki La mujer bien conservada de 25 años, que probablemente murió de cáncer de mama, fue extraída de su tumba cubierta de hielo en 1993 por arqueólogos…

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Aspecto de la momia preservada por el permafrost vestida para su debut el 21 de diciembre, a pesar de los llamados a un entierro solemne de los pueblos nativos. La ‘princesa de hielo’ estará vestida con una cubierta estilizada hecha para parecerse a su abrigo de piel de marmota de la vida real, discretamente envuelta sobre la momia, quien según los expertos era un miembro de élite de su cultura aciet. Foto: Alexader Tyryshki La mujer bien conservada de 25 años, que probablemente murió de cáncer de mama, fue extraída de su tumba cubierta de hielo en 1993 por arqueólogos…

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