NASA has selected a second design for the human landing system that will set future astronauts on the Moon.

“Once in a Blue Moon” may not apply to lunar exploration, it seems: NASA announced May 19 that Blue Origin’s Blue Moon will be the second lunar lander design for…

Why is Venus so different from Earth?

Tesserae are regions of deformed venusian terrain that appear bright in this image, winding across the center of the planet’s disk. This composite was constructed from data from…

NASA has only mapped 40% of the potentially dangerous asteroids that could crash into Earth. New projects will boost that number, and upcoming missions will test tech that could prevent collisions.

The Earth exists in a dangerous environment. Cosmic bodies, like asteroids and comets, are constantly zooming through space and often crash into our planet. Most of these are…


Odds are you’ve probably seen a European starling, whether it was just one bird wheeling its way across the sky or a huge noisy flock. Starlings are songbirds…


7,000-year-old Native American burial site found off Florida The site was discovered by an amateur diver who was looking for shark teeth but stumbled on an ancient jawbone….

Storмs uncoʋer precious мarƄle cargo froм a 1,800-year-old Mediterranean shipwreck in Israel

Storms uncover precious marble cargo from a 1,800-year-old Mediterranean shipwreck in Israel Numerous rare marble artifacts have been found at the site of a 1,800-year-old shipwreck in shallow…


Cardinals are probably on most people’s list as their favorite backyard bird. The Northern Cardinal is a year-round resident of the eastern half of the United States, as…

A 3,000-year-old Egyptian figurine sensationally unearthed in a former SS hospital

In a stunning discovery, a three-thousand-year-old ancient Egyptian figurine of the god Osiris has been unearthed in a former Nazi SS hospital in the Lublin province.  The figurine…

Some black holes form when a massive star collapses into itself. But many mysteries still remain around these strange objects.

This artist’s concept shows a black hole surrounded by a maelstrom of circling debris, as well as a powerful jet of hot plasma shooting into space.NASA/JPL-Caltech The most…

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has broken another record.

Located some 28 billion light-years away (thanks to the expanding universe), this 12.9-billion-year-old star, named Earendel, is between 50 and 500 times as massive as the Sun —…

We’ve seen plenty of black holes tearing material off a companion, but not sitting alone in space. Now, we might have spotted one.

A lone black hole gives off no light – but its gravity does distort the path of light traveling around it.Ute Kraus (background Milky Way panorama: Axel Mellinger),…

The Milky Way is blowing a star-forming bubble, and we’re in the middle of it.

Star formation in the 500 light-years around Earth is being driven by a cosmic bubble known as the Local bubble, as seen in this artist’s concept.ILLUSTRATION: CfA, Leah…